
Pariani at MAKS – 2019 – Rassegna stampa

1024 576 Pariani Srl

Rassegna stampa sull’esperienza del distretto aerospaziale al MAKS 2019, l’esposizione russa che offre un’opportunità unica agli esperti del settore e agli uomini d’affari per stabilire connessioni multilivello, sviluppare ulteriormente la cooperazione industriale e trovare nuovi partner commerciali.


Dicono di noi.



Pariani at MAKS – 2019

367 158 Pariani Srl

The main objective of MAKS is to demonstrate achievements of Russian high tech and receptiveness of the domestic Russian market to joint projects with foreign partners.

MAKS provides a comprehensive insight into the priorities and achievements of the Russian aerospace industry. Some prototypes of aircrafts and combat systems as well as experimental units that for one reason or another cannot be shown abroad, are demonstrate exclusively at MAKS.

Pariani is pleased to announce its participation at MAKS 2019 , August 27 – September 1 2019 – Moscow Aviasalon, Russia

Pariani’s stand features SMART, the new generation of In-Flight Entertainment and Cabin Management System (IFE & CMS) plus a great selection of accessories for VVIP cabin interiors.

Come to visit us at booth number F3-B23.9 in the Italian area.

Dalla Terra Alla Luna 2019

350 260 Pariani Srl

50° anniversario del primo allunaggio – 50° anniversario della scoperta dell’Area megalitica di Aosta

Una serie di eventi di divulgazione scientifica, in programma durante il mese di luglio 2019, commemora la storica impresa spaziale e al tempo stesso celebra il patrimonio archeologico dell’Area megalitica di Aosta.

In Pariani, siamo molto attenti alla promozione delle iniziative del nostro territorio soprattutto per quelle orientate alla divulgazione scientifica in campo aerospaziale ed aeronautico.

Siamo lieti di aver collaborato con l’amico Dario Kubler e l’associazione ASIMOF alla costruzione del modulo di comando  COLUMBIA della missione APOLLO11.

Questi ragazzi sono fantastici e gli auguriamo tutto il successo che meritano!

Pariani at AIX Aircraft Interiors Expo – 2019

550 153 Pariani Srl

Aircraft Interiors Expo is the global must attend event to see the latest ideas and innovations in aircraft interiors.

Pariani is pleased to announce its participation at Aircraft Interiors Expo 2019 , 2-4 April 2019 – Hamburg Messe, Germany

Pariani’s stand features SMART, the new generation of In-Flight Entertainment and Cabin Management System (IFE & CMS).

Come to visit us at booth number 4UC31, Hall 4 Upper in the IFEC building.

Maker Faire 2018

640 239 Pariani Srl

La novità dell’ edizione 2018 del Maker Faire Rome è l’area dedicata allo Spazio allestita in collaborazione con la Sezione Italiana della British Interplanetary Society e della Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale dell’Università Sapienza di Roma.

Siamo orgogliosi di aver collaborato alla realizzazione di una tra le attrazioni principali di questa area : il leggendario Apollo Guidance Computer, una delle più grandi innovazioni del programma Apollo, del quale si celebrerà il 50° anniversario.

Ospite d’onore Don Eyles, programmatore ed ingegnere del MIT nonchè maker d’eccezione che ha avuto un ruolo chiave in tutte le missioni lunari.

Per maggiori informazioni:

MFR 2018: la novità quest’anno è il Maker for Space

Monaco Yacht Show 2018

1024 600 Pariani Srl

If you are looking for a contemporary design and state of the art technology,

don’t miss the opportunity to visit us at  Monaco Yacht Show 2018 (26-29 Sept),

Darse Sud,  Telemar Yachting stand number QS56.

We hope to meet you there.


320 158 Pariani Srl

CONCAR-EXPO is the largest European trade show for automated driving, connected car, Car2Car, Car2X and Car2mobile solutions bringing together suppliers, software companies, telecommunications and consultancy firms.

Pariani, Microchip’s design partner, is pleased to present its SMART demo at Microchip’s booth #23.

Come to visit Microchip’s booth to experience SMART Infotainment solutions.

Visit us to discover what Pariani will allow to do soon

EBACE – 2018

600 320 Pariani Srl

Pariani is exhibiting at EBACE from  29th – 31th May 2018, Geneva’s magnificent Palexpo

Key products of Pariani include electronic equipment, avionic displays, cabin’s interiors, flight simulators, IFE & CMS, transilluminated panels, videocameras and consoles for mega yacht.

Pariani’s stand features a production overview with the focus on SMART, the new generation of In-Flight Entertainment and Cabin Management System (IFE & CMS).

Come to visit us at booth number C103, Hall 6.

Find more information at

Visit us to discover what Pariani will allow to do soon

Versilia Yachting Rendez-Vous

282 179 Pariani Srl

From 10th to 13th of May, Pariani will be exhibiting at Versilia Yachting Rendez-Vous 2018 , taking place in Viareggio.

The international event is dedicated to high-end yachting which, in addition to representing the excellence of Made in Italy in the sector, is an event that attracts global yachting.

Pariani’s technologies provide the most safe and stylish solutions in integrated command bridges for the M/Y market.

Please, discover our solutions at  Darsena Italia in the “Compagnia Generale Telemar”  stand O 07

We hope to meet you there.

Pariani at AIX Aircraft Interiors Expo – 2018

800 500 Pariani Srl

Pariani is pleased to announce its participation at Aircraft Interiors Expo 2018 , 10-12 April 2018 – Hamburg Messe, Germany

Pariani’s stand features SMART, the new generation of In-Flight Entertainment and Cabin Management System (IFE & CMS).

Come to visit us at booth number 4UE31, Hall 4 Upper in the IFEC building.