New Headquarters

500 281 Pariani Srl

As of today, Monday, May 13th, our new headquarters in Ferno, located at Via Gorizia n. 148/150, is officially up and running! Our registered office remains in Samarate, at Via Aspesi 1. What’s changing? Everything… and nothing! Nothing: We bring with us the same passion and dedication that have distinguished us for 50 years in…

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AIX 2024: Shaping the future of in-flight experiences

1024 512 Pariani Srl

  Pariani is thrilled to announce our participation at Aircraft Interiors Expo 2024, taking place May 28th-30th at Hamburg Messe, Germany. This year, we’re showcasing the latest advancements in in-flight experiences. Don’t miss your chance to explore SMART, the most innovative IFE & CMS system for VVIP aircrafts. Visit us at booth number 3C35 Hall B3…

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AERO EXPO 2024: A whirlwind of innovation and connections

990 710 Pariani Srl

AERO EXPO 2024 has come to a close, and we’re still buzzing from the incredible experience! We were blown away by the sheer scale and diversity of the event. From cutting-edge small aircraft technology to the latest in aviation services, there was something for everyone to discover. We had the privilege of forging new partnerships,…

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Monaco Yacht Show 27-30/09/2023

1024 576 Pariani Srl

Monaco provides the ultimate showcase for industry influencers from the most reputable superyacht builders, award winning yacht designers, luxury suppliers, influential brokerage houses to the most sought-after water toys, prestige cars, helicopter and private jet manufacturers. The MYS is the premiere luxury event worldwide where visitors can discover the greatest aspects of superyachting against the…

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AIX 2023: Showcasing Innovation in Aircraft Interiors

1024 691 Pariani Srl

Hamburg, Germany – The annual Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) took place from June 5th to June 8th, attracting aviation enthusiasts, industry professionals, and leading manufacturers from around the globe. Showcasing the latest advancements in aircraft interiors, the event proved to be a hub of innovation and inspiration. The three-day exibition provided a platform for companies…

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Nuova sede entro il 2023

1024 523 Pariani Srl

Pariani srl guarda al futuro degli equipaggiamenti aeronautici riqualificando un importante area nel comune di Ferno per ampliare la propria sede operativa.   E’ oggi in corso la riqualificazione del nuovo stabilimento direzionale e produttivo che coprirà, inizialmente, un’area di 5000m2 e sarà situato a meno di 2Km dalla sede di Leonardo Helicopters, uno dei principali…

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We look forward seeing you at AIX 2023 – Hamburg

700 267 Pariani Srl

  Aircraft Interiors Expo is the global must attend event to see the latest ideas and innovations in aircraft interiors. Pariani is pleased to announce its participation at Aircraft Interiors Expo 2023 , 6-8 June 2023 – Hamburg Messe, Germany. You will be able to experience our SMART, the new generation of In-Flight Entertainment and Cabin Management System (IFE…

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We are Hiring

513 239 Pariani Srl

Ricerchiamo PROGRAMMATORE con esperienza nello sviluppo di applicazioni in ambiente LINUX embedded. Si richiede: • Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica o Ingegneria Elettronica; • comprovata esperienza di almeno 3 anni in ruoli analoghi; • buona conoscenza della lingua inglese scritta e parlata; • conoscenza dei principali linguaggi di programmazione (C#, .Net, C/C++) • conoscenza del ciclo…

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Pariani Srl & 3D Printing to stop CoVid19 spread

1024 518 Pariani Srl

Samarate, Coronavirus, Pariani Srl mette a disposizione del territorio il suo impianto di manifattura additiva.   SAMARATE – La maschera Full Face Mask Sea VU Dry + da maschera per snorkeling a strumento salvavita per fronteggiare l’emergenza Coronavirus negli ospedali. Pariani Srl, industria 100% made in Italy con sede a Samarate ed operante principalmente nel…

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Monaco Yacht Show 25-28/09/2019

330 106 Pariani Srl

Set in the iconic Port Hercules in the principality of Monaco, the Monaco Yacht Show represents the pinnacle of luxury. Each year, the MYS curates the exhibition of 125+ extraordinary one-off superyachts built by the world’s most respected shipyards and welcomes leaders from the yachting industry. In September, the yachting industry turns its focus exclusively…

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Pariani at MAKS – 2019 – Rassegna stampa

1024 576 Pariani Srl

Rassegna stampa sull’esperienza del distretto aerospaziale al MAKS 2019, l’esposizione russa che offre un’opportunità unica agli esperti del settore e agli uomini d’affari per stabilire connessioni multilivello, sviluppare ulteriormente la cooperazione industriale e trovare nuovi partner commerciali.   Dicono di noi. VARESE NEWS INFORMAZIONEONLINE.IT

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Pariani at MAKS – 2019

367 158 Pariani Srl

The main objective of MAKS is to demonstrate achievements of Russian high tech and receptiveness of the domestic Russian market to joint projects with foreign partners. MAKS provides a comprehensive insight into the priorities and achievements of the Russian aerospace industry. Some prototypes of aircrafts and combat systems as well as experimental units that for…

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Dalla Terra Alla Luna 2019

350 260 Pariani Srl

50° anniversario del primo allunaggio – 50° anniversario della scoperta dell’Area megalitica di Aosta Una serie di eventi di divulgazione scientifica, in programma durante il mese di luglio 2019, commemora la storica impresa spaziale e al tempo stesso celebra il patrimonio archeologico dell’Area megalitica di Aosta. In Pariani, siamo molto attenti alla promozione delle iniziative…

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Pariani at AIX Aircraft Interiors Expo – 2019

550 153 Pariani Srl

Aircraft Interiors Expo is the global must attend event to see the latest ideas and innovations in aircraft interiors. Pariani is pleased to announce its participation at Aircraft Interiors Expo 2019 , 2-4 April 2019 – Hamburg Messe, Germany Pariani’s stand features SMART, the new generation of In-Flight Entertainment and Cabin Management System (IFE & CMS). Come to visit…

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Maker Faire 2018

640 239 Pariani Srl

La novità dell’ edizione 2018 del Maker Faire Rome è l’area dedicata allo Spazio allestita in collaborazione con la Sezione Italiana della British Interplanetary Society e della Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale dell’Università Sapienza di Roma. Siamo orgogliosi di aver collaborato alla realizzazione di una tra le attrazioni principali di questa area : il leggendario Apollo…

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