New Headquarters

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As of today, Monday, May 13th, our new headquarters in Ferno, located at Via Gorizia n. 148/150, is officially up and running! Our registered office remains in Samarate, at Via Aspesi 1. What’s changing? Everything… and nothing! Nothing: We bring with us the same passion and dedication that have distinguished us for 50 years in…

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Nuova sede entro il 2023

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Pariani srl guarda al futuro degli equipaggiamenti aeronautici riqualificando un importante area nel comune di Ferno per ampliare la propria sede operativa.   E’ oggi in corso la riqualificazione del nuovo stabilimento direzionale e produttivo che coprirà, inizialmente, un’area di 5000m2 e sarà situato a meno di 2Km dalla sede di Leonardo Helicopters, uno dei principali…

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Pariani Srl & 3D Printing to stop CoVid19 spread

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Samarate, Coronavirus, Pariani Srl mette a disposizione del territorio il suo impianto di manifattura additiva.   SAMARATE – La maschera Full Face Mask Sea VU Dry + da maschera per snorkeling a strumento salvavita per fronteggiare l’emergenza Coronavirus negli ospedali. Pariani Srl, industria 100% made in Italy con sede a Samarate ed operante principalmente nel…

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WAC Solo, here’s how the future borns

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Automatic processing, hand finishing, strong tests and exclusive materials: let’s see how the most innovative and ever desired integrated control bridge borns. System design The process begins in our engineering department where the system engineer defines with the shipyard the list of equipment to be managed by the new bridge. For each of these systems…

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WAC Solo, here’s how the future is born (1/2)

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In the designer’s job there are some basic rules that define the product you want to realize and, if there are no constrains, we design with these rules in mind, sometimes even overcoming them. Designing a new console is a team effort that involves not only our designers but also the shipyard and the design…

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T28 Cockpit Refit

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Pariani is an industrial reality that acts as centre of gravity for many flight enthusiasts, including former workers in the aviation industry, pilots, mechanics and designers. With these people, who share the same passion with us, it often happens that a business relationship also becomes friendship. This happened with the commander Oliver Linde who we met…

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Virtual Cockpit, a window into the future

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When we think about Italy, we recall immediately the pleasures of food, the breath-taking landscapes, famous fashion stylists, but also hi-quality technology, engines and world-renowned brands like Ferrari and Ducati, a country that develops winning and innovative technology. In Pariani we work hard to stay at the cutting edge of design with our approach that…

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The 5 golden rules for Pariani’s customers satisfaction

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1. EXCELLENCE AND QUALITY The achievement of these targets represents a precise hi-level corporate choice on a basic aspect of customer satisfaction that Pariani intends to manage for a long-lasting business relationship. It’s a choice that covers all the possible declinations of the product and the project, from those of an ethical-relational nature, to those…

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Pariani logo evolution story

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Since the beginning of our business story, many things changed but not our desire to renew, the research for continuous improvement and the passion for technology. During these 40 years, our logo has been updated few times. The last step of this evolution has been made few years ago, in the 2015, but the same…

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Find out why our work is more than just making!

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At Pariani we always consider with care the processes involved in the manufacture of our products, because a good product is one that not only meets the customer’s expectations but also ensures the right profit margin. We call it “integrated design” because we make sure there are no barriers between design and production and also…

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